24×7 Fitness Center in Rajkot Gujarat
24×7 Fitness Center in Rajkot Gujarat
24 x 7 FITNESS delivers you specialist fitness team at your doorstep for taking care of you personally. Our team includes personal trainers, qualified doctors, dieticians, physiotherapist, yoga teachers, aerobic experts, certified fitness professionals who are in fitness industry since more than 15 years. An individualized exercise program will be designed based on the individual’s fitness evaluation results & health goals.
24 X 7 Fitness Center in Rajkot
Contact No : 97270 22220, 97270 22224
24×7 Fitness Gym in Rajkot prime motto here is to make easy you with fitness & health at your door step round the clock wholly for you. 24 x 7 FITNESS’ is a fresh & exclusive concept for healthy living introduce by 4 visionaries, proficient in their respective fields. 24×7 Fitness Club in Rajkot trainers (previously trained to suit your requirements) will make your each & every day fit & strong at your suitable time, even if its midnight. Our concept facilitates you to have all that you always wanted for yourself under your roof.
After Great Success in Ahmedabad & other cities india’s first fitness company 24×7 fitness now in Rajkot. Where you will get expert fitness trainer and experienced dietician at your convenient time & place to improve your health. Dietician, don’t go anywhere, our trainer will come at your home, lady trainer for lady clients. 24×7 fitness centers are all over guajrat state city like Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Vadodara and Now in Rajkot city.

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