Aa Te Kevi Dunniya Gujarati Movie Releasing Date 2015 – Aa Te kevi Dunniya Film by Tejas Padia
Aa Te Kevi Dunniya Gujarati Movie Releasing Date 2015 – Aa Te kevi Dunniya Film by Tejas Padia
Aa Te Kevi Dunniya is urban Gujarati Movie releasing date January 2015. Aa Te kevi Duniya is latest Gujarti movie also directed by Tejas Padiaa.
Aa Te Kevi Duniya Urban Gujarati Movie :
Starring———: Raj Jatania, Yatin Parmar, Kinjal Pandya, Sunil Vishrani,Falguni Desai, Krishna Rawal,Jayesh More, RajKumar Kanojia, Padmesh Pandit and Sanat Vyas
Release Date –: 9th January 2015
Producer——–: Vijay Khatri
Directed By—–: Tejas Padiaa
Genre————: A Light Hearted Family Entertainer
The Gujarati beauty girl Kinjal Pandya was seen with her cast during promotional events for movie in Ahmedabad city. Aa te Kevi Duniya Gujarati Movie is the leading actress in the movie ‘Aa te kevi duniya’ and she is the new comer in the Gujarati film industry.
This movie story so interesting also very famous name of this movie aa te kevi dunniya. Aa te Kevi Dunniya is urban Gujarati movie starring are raj jatania, yatin parmar, Kinjal pandya, sunil vishrani, falguni desai, Krishna Rawal, Jayesh More, Rajkumar Kanojia, Padmesh Pandit and Sanat Vyas.
This movie is comedy; family entertainer movie is set to release on 9th January 2015. So don’t miss watch this movie book your tickets save date 9th January 2015.

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