FOUR Girls Died in RAJKOT Aji Dam 2 during One Day Picnic near Ishwariya Garden on Jamnagagar Road
FOUR Girls Died in RAJKOT Aji Dam 2 during One Day Picnic near Ishwariya Garden on Jamnagagar Road
This is very sad news came from RAJKOT City. Yesterday on7th August 2014 FOUR Girls died in Rajkot Aji Dam 2, which was located at Jamnagar Road near RAJKOT. This Aji Dam 2 is on Aji River 2 passing very near to Famous One Day Picnic Spot “Ishwariya Garden Rajkot”.
There were total “7 Girls” who decided to Picnic for 1 Day, in afternoon part and hence all of them went to Picnic after Lunch at Ishwariya Garden Rajkot and Aji Dam 2 Rajkot. When there were on Aji Dam 2, few of them tried to enjoy water and this terrible news came out.
Dams are always Risky, as you will never get an idea that, how much depth it has. This very sad news just came after 1 week of Friendship Days. All 7 Girls were close friends and hence every one are just crying for this unexpected sad news.
Please take care…when you go out in upcoming Holidays like Rakshabandhan, Janmashtami. Never take Risk at any picnic places….
This kind of Accident in Rajkot are rare but it’s very very sad. From last few years during Ganesh Visarjan this type of Water Accident used to taken place and hence high security now taking care about such incident in Rajkot city.
God Bless Them…..
RIP…….for all FOUR Girls.
Again Aji 2 Dam is located at Jamnagar Road, where only few people used to go. Aji 2 Dam is not that famous picnic place and hence even lots of Rajkot People do not know about the location. Aji Dam 2 is least famous, people mostly go “AJI DAM” (Aji Dam 1 on Aji River 1), Nyari Dam ( Nyari 1 Dam).

4 Girls Dead in Aji Dam 2 on Aji River 2

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