Gujarati Samaj of NSW Presents Navratri 2014 with Lakhia Melody on 10 & 11 October 2014
Gujarati Samaj of NSW Presents Navratri 2014 with Lakhia Melody on 10 & 11 October 2014
Just few days left for Navratri. We, Gujarati people are very excited for this celebration. Like us, our Gujarati people living outside of India are also excited for Navratri celebration. Gujaratis living in New South Wales. The Gujarati samaj of NSW has also organized very big celebration for Navratri 2014.
They have organized Navratri function on 10 and 11 october. The gujarati samaj is celebrating our every festivals with lot of fun and happiness though they are very far from native. This year they have called Lakhia Melody who is from Ahmedabad to give a traditional touch to the event. The venue is Whitlam Leisure Centre, Liverpool, Sydney. This event is managed by Jaydatt nayak and Kiran desai.
This event has a free entry for all. They people are wearing colorful dresses during Navratri and also performing our rituals. They are performing Aarti and then garba playing. The Gujarati samaj of NSW is following our culture and rituals there also to let their new generation know about our culture. They are organizing this kind of celebration every year. They are also celebrating our other festivals. Now the local citizens of NSW are also joining our celebration as our Indian culture is becoming very popular. Some interested people are also wearing our dresses during traditional events.

Sub Category:
Navratri Garba 2015
Main Category:
Gujarati Festivals
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