Navli Navratri 2014 at Barsana Urban Village Ahmedabad
Navli Navratri 2014 at Barsana Urban Village Ahmedabad
Just 10 to 12 days left for Navratri. People are very excited to welcome and enjoy the 9 days Navratri festival. When talking about festival celebration, Ahmedabad is the city where people are crazy about celebration. This year Navratri is from 25 September to 2nd October. On 3rd October, it is Dussera festival. Sheri garba has always been a part of life of every citizen of Ahmedabad.
Barsana the urban village has organized a ‘Navli Navratri 2014’. Barsana is very famous restaurant of Ahmedabad, which is formerly known as ‘Chowki Dhani’. This restaurant is providing you the feeling of village with cultural activities. They are serving Gujarati and Indian cuisine food with royal experience. This event ‘Navli Navratri’ is organized by Ravi Chatwani. They are organizing for all 9 days.
The timing for everyday is from 8 PM to 12 AM. More details and contact about passes you can contact the Barsana Restaurant. The Garba lovers have already started their preparation for these 9 days and to be winner in competitions. Very beautifully worked dresses and jewellary are available in market. So, Amdavadi people get ready to enjoy the Navratri with Barsana the urban village.

Sub Category:
Navratri Garba 2015
Main Category:
Gujarati Festivals
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