Rani Ki Vav Located in Patan Gujarat INDIA May be listed in Unesco World Heritage Site
Rani Ki Vav Located in Patan Gujarat INDIA May be listed in Unesco World Heritage Site
Rani ki vav is a one of the famous Queen stepwell placed in Patan town in Gujarat. Best Historical Place Rani ki Vav was constructed by Queen Udayamati of the Solanki Dynasty.
India nominated Historical Rani ki Vav for United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site Status for 2014. All along with it the Great Himalayan National Park in Himachal Pradesh is also expected to find place in the coveted list.
The 11th century Rani ki Vav have been selected for the ongoing 38th World Heritage Session at Qatar under the cultural and natural heritage categories respectively.
Rani Ki Vav Located in Patan Gujarat INDIA May be listed in Unesco World Heritage Site
Unesco world heritage sites has special including the 11th century Rani ki Vav step well in Patan Gujarat in the list of world heritage Site monuments.
Just the once declared a Unesco World Heritage site Rani ki Vav will be second in Gujarat after the Champaner Pavagadh group of monuments to get this popular position.
Indian government had Rani ki Vav in Patan as a possible candidate for the World Heritage status and included Rani ki Vav in the one of the top ten Historical places list.

Rani Ki Vav Located in Patan Gujarat INDIA May be listed in Unesco World Heritage Site
[Details Written by Shuchitra – Approved by InGujarat.Net]

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“Rani Ki Vav Located in Patan Gujarat INDIA May be listed in Unesco World Heritage Site”
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