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List of Places in Gujarat Listed under Unesco World Heritage Site

List of Places in Gujarat Listed under Unesco World Heritage Site

The land of rich Culture and Heritage The spiritual experience as it clarifies its magic in profusion.  Tourists group in to discover its unique development, join in the festive seasons, and enjoy the originalities of the performing genius of the folk art, music and dances.

The profound structural design for water, such as step well at Adalaj, Ranki vav at Patan or Dada hari ni vav at Ahmedabad, are distinctively exclusive to Gujarat in terms of their typology, attitude to water and stylistic appearance.


Pavagadh beside with Champaner and Machi is a UNESCO world heritage site. This site imitates grand historical meeting, displaying 1,200 years of history and culture.

The heritage site is studded with forts with support starting from the hills of Pavagadh, and enlarges into the city of Champaner.

Rani Ki Vav

Rani Ki Vav is the oldest and the famous grandest stepwell in Patan town the state of Gujarat. UNESCO has familiar Rani-Ki-Vav stepwell in Patan.

Rani-Ki-Vav is the most developed, involved and ornate example of a unique category of Indian profound structure and marks the summit in the development of stepwells in India.

List of Places in Gujarat Listed under Unesco World Heritage Site

[Details Written by Mansi - Approved by InGujarat.Net]

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