What is Current Name of Forest Minister of Gujarat India in 2014
What is Current Name of Forest Minister of Gujarat India in 2014
Gujarat Government current Name of Forest Minister is Govindbhai Patel – Agriculture and Water Supply, Forest and Environment portfolios. Forest Department the unique features of the state are the climatic and geomorphologic conditions v.i.z the major coastline in the country, the saline deserts of Rann, grasslands, wetlands.
13th Gujarat Legislative Assembly Forest Minister of Gujarat is Govindbhai Patel.
Council of Ministers of Gujarat consists of 20 ministers including chief minister (as on May 22, 2014) in 13th Gujarat Legislative Assembly of Indian state of Gujarat. Gujarat Forest department is entrusted with the prime responsibility of protection, conservation and development of the forests and wildlife of the state. Govindbhai Patel is 13th Gujarat Legislative Assembly Forest Minister of Gujarat.
[Details Written by Sagar- Approved by InGujarat.Net]

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