Jamvala Waterfall Gir Gadhada in Junagadh Gujarat
Jamvala waterfall Gir Gadhada in Junagadh Gujarat
Jamvala is a Village in Gir Gadhada Taluka, Junagadh District, and Gujarat State. Jamvala Waterfall is approximate 40 km far from its Una Town near Diu. It is bounded by Forest.
Jamvala Waterfall is nearest Gir Gadhada. It’s a very beautiful place to visit which is bounded by the Gir forest and it’s near to the sasan Gir. You can reach to the Jamvala by train from the veraval that is near Somnath or by bus from the Una or the sasan Gir. It also has the jamjir Dhodh waterfall one of the very beautiful place to visit in Jamvala Gir.
Jamvala Waterfall is nearest in Gir Gadhada also very famous this fall. Jamvala Waterfall is nearest so many famous places are available. Best time to visit Jamvala waterfall is Beautiful Jamwala Dhodh (waterfall) in November month. Close view of Jamwala Waterfall is very famous in Gujarat state, Water sipping through limestone of Jamwala Waterfall Gir Gadhada in Junagadh.
[Details Written by Sanjay – Approved by InGujarat.Net]

Jamvala waterfall Gir Gadhada in Junagadh Gujarat

Jamvala Waterfall Photos at Gir Gadhada

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