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Road Distance between Vadodara to Halol in Gujarat

Road Distance between Vadodara to Halol in Gujarat

Halol is a very famous city of Gujarat and it is like small town. Halol had a population of 195,300. Males constituted 53% of the population and females 47%. Halol is a city and a municipality in Panchmahal district in the Indian state of Gujarat. In the town of Halol there are many Gujarati, English and Hindi medium schools.

Distance between Vadodara to Halol

Distance Between Vadodara to Halol around 42 kms. So people can easily reach by own vehicle or they can catch hire taxi. Buse Facilities are also available to reach Baroda to Halol. Your Travel time around 49 mins; which may be depending upon the traffic Condition.

It is very short distance for reach in Vadodara to Halol Gujarat. Baroda Halol Bus Tickets is easily available so people can also book ticket online through.

Halol is a city with a small population in the area of Gujarat; the nearby major cities include Vadodara, Nadiad, Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar.

Road Distance between Vadodara to Halol in Gujarat

[ Details Written by Meera - Approved by InGujarat.Net ]


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